Happy New Year to all...2009, here i come! I think 2009 holds great promise to be a very good year. I can feel it.. besides the economic stresses that we’re currently facing, I am ready for New Year 2009 and I am ready to make it bigger and better and awesome!
So today, i am not ashamed to shout my New Year Resolution list out loud to everyone in this blog land. So here it is:-

1. I have to reveal that I'm about 6-8 months behind on my book keeping which leads me to my business New Year's Resolution #1...Tini, please complete your book keeping MONTHLY!
2. To be more organized. I'm kinda a list person. I write a list for everything as if by writing it down on paper will magically get it done. The problem is the lists are normally half or never done at all..

3. To blog every day. I want to be a better blogger and post more often. I want to make the time to read the blogs that I enjoy visiting. ALSO, I want to not only read, but respond to each and all of the emails in my inbox.
4. To declutter my store room. Please don't tell me that I am not the only one who throws the mess into a cupboard when friends are coming over!
5. To begin an art journal. I want to put all the pieces together in an altered notebook that I'll create for myself. I may keep the magazine clippings in the folder, these are mainly decorating ideas for my home and for my online shop. I have to start this in practice as it helps me in thinking creatively and helping to get ideas flowing.
6. To snapped all the online shop inventory and get listed as I gather inventory faster than I can get my shop updated...huhu..terrible woman!
7. To do more research on the Net. Now is the time to get a head start with home decorating ideas for the new year, by looking at potential 2009 home decorating trends! It’s never too early to plan for the future.

8. To lose weight. I think that this is one that most people put on their list isn't it? The problem is the weight situation is starting to get out of control and since my fifth son is coming 1 year old this year and is looking good maybe I had better do something about my weight.
9. I want to start collecting new things I would have never considered collecting before...huhu.. that sounds dangerous!

10. I want to stop writing now so that I can begin my journey. 2009 has just arrived, and I've got quite a list of things to accomplish. I don't want to waste any more time...What runs through of my thoughts today is that I want to achieve a feeling of accomplishment and peace of mind in each day.
So tell me, what are your New Year's resolutions? I'd also like to give thanks to all my loyal customers for your continued support throughout the year. Couldn't do it without you!
I wish you a Happy New Year!
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