It's been really a busy week for me; with husband who was warded for dengue fever (discharged after 4 days), having kids around the house, taking orders, new stocks arriving etc...are taking up all my time and energy and makes me feel like Super Woman...!
Well, fortunately I found the time to pick up few lovelies for this website!
This time Be Dazzled Collection feature a range of really nice teacups and plates at a reasonable price...from simple yet pretty!

They would certainly be lovely pieces to own...hurry up and grab these at my website!..:)

Celebration was one of Royal Albert's most popular patterns. Each tea cup stands 2.5 inches tall, and is 2.5 inches in diameter.

Napkin pin/brooch

What a joy these pieces are!

A beautiful collectors cup and saucer by Royal Albert from Flower of the Month collection.

Royal Albert Lady Carlyle (Classic Collection) Teapot, Fine China

6 inch plate from the Celebration collection by Royal Albert. Features a beautiful floral design.

A beautiful vintage Royal Albert "Dimity Rose" creamer

...with lavish gilding

Don’t be afraid to mix and match all those beautiful teacups on your tea table.

There are a few more treasures to share for creating future memories…so dear ladies, please visit my shop.
Btw, many thanks to those who have made a purchased...It was so exciting these days to realize that my collections are being seen all over the globe..hehe.
Have A Good Day!
what a lovely collection!...
cantik sgt RA u....
hi ella..RA tu for sale..boleh tgk dlm website i..pls visit ye..
owhh yess..I love them all..*wink* such a beauty..
tini, terbeliak biji mata kakUmi tgk ni semua!
OMG !! memang lawa22
Hi Tini, You certainly have a range of things for sale in your shop. I hope they all sell well for you.
tini,kak elly x sabar nak pegi rumah tini nanti.i'll be coming home this june,insyaallah.
Salam semua,
thanks for dropping by esp to kak Umi n kak elly. Lama kita x jumpa ye...
hi Tini
Kak ita ni..
i love all of yr gorgeous
kak ita,
it's great to meet you in this blog land..:)
salam Tini,
mengancam la collection u tu. Nak order thru online bole ke?
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