Last week, me and a good fren of mine wandered over to one of the faboulous British designer label, Laura Ashley warehouse for a peek. Hmmm..I don't actually buy much stuff from Laura Ashley... but I do love her fabrics, chandeliers and kitchenware..i think I love most of her collection if money was not the issue..hehe..and lucky me the LA SALE was over last week..

The Finchley chair with new Tatton Cerise fabric..Many oohs & aahs....:)

This is the one that my fren was looking for..an ivory iron bed..and OMG this Somerset Bed is really too die for :)

I just love the Milner floral bone china range..decorated with pretty pink and red floral print..And this is what i did: I picked them up. Put them back. Picked them up again. And put them back.

I like the Dorothy pair of hook (the one with the teacup)and the Maisie hook (rose design).. they are available in raspberry, duck egg, chalk pink and crem color.

i love it - great style with class and tradition!

Just a sweet collection of duck egg blue ceramicware! And I'm slowly tried to fall in love with the color..:)

Some dazzling silk and viscose cushions..

at last i found a larga scale mirror frame in LA..the Beth mirror..classically styled and ornately frames with distinctive finishes...BUT way out of my budget!!

At the end, i got myself LA newest catalogue and walked out...hehe

All night I drooled over it...again and again...!
yup, me decided not to go too eventhough the fabric was less up to 50%. Waiting for MJ warehouse sales in April..if LA also participate..can get good bargain.
kak salmi,
i got to know that MJ will be holding their BIG SALE from 22-26 apr at stadium shah alam..and LA will be there too..
hi tini, u pun suka laura ashley collections, i rasa u kena tengok lates collect from these company, spring summer 2009, kedai LA ni, dekat je dgn rumah i, kita dekat ni dah sales 50% pun.Tapi kebanyakan dr brgnya made in china or india, kecualilah brg yg mmg ada label made in the UK, kalu u beli magz,dlm nya did mentions where is item come from, hope this help you to find better quality.
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