Every year, me and my mom will participate in UMNO Assembly General Meeting exhibition/trade show at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) and this year was no exception. It’s five days (24-28 March) of very intense packing, unpacking, setting up, chatting with hundreds of people and more packing at the end of it all.

It’s tiring as heck, but so much fun, though! Since I had my camera with me, I took some pictures of my booth for those of you that couldn’t make the show last weekend.

Although this was not my first year participation, but this was my first time selling home decor item at the show and i didn't quite know what to expect, i kept the booth fairly simple and went with bright pink and brown to make the display pop and catch the passers' eye. Before this, i'm selling women accessories n costume jewellery during the event.

The crowd was good and cheerful and the vendors were so sweet and happy to see familiar faces.. I love getting to know these people who love to hunt for treasures like the rest of us do..

The whole experience was so exciting.. One of the best parts was meeting some of the many other talented designers and client who offered not only insight and advice but warm smiles and a great sense of friendship..

A peek at my new line of flowery purses..all SOLD!

We had an eye-catching display showcasing all kind of brooches, pins, bracelets, and necklaces in a red and pink accent color..

I'm exhausted from the show - but it's well worth it. I'm getting good feedback on my designs and my booth display.

Happy faces from my sisters: Zeti, Aini, Adik..

I was so busy in my own booth meeting people, taking orders and introducing the English styling home decor. I loved every minute of it even if my poor feet did not. There is A LOT of standing..

Vibrant, cheery colors dominated our booth, pink was especially prominent.

Thank you to all who made a special trip to come by and see us..specially Izah from Segamat, Izney and Faaizah Faiz fom WMC.COM, Klyn, Kak Ziah and lots more..
Wow, your booth looked lovely. We do not have many craft fairs in Guernsey (in the Channel Islands not the USA) so I love to look through other peoples' blog who are lucky enough to go to them. I hope you had a wonderful time.
kenapalah tak cakap kau sebut nama aku dalam blog.. hehehe.
beb, aku nak order kuih raya ni.. yg hari tu aku rasa, best.. nak tau. danbrooch raya seperti biasa..
camne nak ketemu.. rumah kau jauh sgt!!!
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