Lately, i noticed that it seems there's a display of blue and white china in just about every store i enter and every country magazine i read.

So, I have started collecting blue and white china because these collection has always been favored...My blue and white collection now has pricey Spode items and inexpensive gift shop finds.

Blue and white makes a stunning grouped display.

Some of the collection was bought during my visit to London last year especially the Spode Blue Italian, Johnson Brothers Old Britain Castles and Portmeirion Botanic Blue.

Adding blue and white is a perfect mix.

A selection of plates and platters arranged on a dining room wall is charming and cottagey against a white wall. source: internet

The combination of blue and white in china and in all things is a classic, timeless and beautiful combination. source: internet

For me, collecting blue and white shouldn't become a is meant to be a relaxing past time and it can be real fun just browsing around for that special pieces that has caught your attention and specially your pocket..:)

It feels so exciting and satisfying when you stumble across the very piece you've been looking for over a long period of time!
FYI, the appealing color of blue and white combination not only adds endless beauty to your lovely china pieces..but also into the interior decor, table settings, enamelware etc.
Please stay tune for my next post...there will be more blue & white items for sale!
salam tini
stunning collection! to me blue is the new pink hehehehe..
salam tini..tiada kata seindah bahasa,terkedu mata terpandang kecantikan..memang cantik,pandai hiasannya..Congrate..
salaam tini, arghh so nice those blues gang!..akak ada ciput2 jer..hikss..jangan tidakk kan..hehehe
yup..its is the new pink..:)
En Shariff:
Terima kasih sudi dtg ke sini...
Kak Salmi:
ciput pun ok janji ada..hehe
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